Biodiversity conservation is an essential component of human development and closely linked to ending extreme poverty, increasing food security, improving public health, and building resilience to crises. As part of the Biodiversity Policy, USAID prioritizes working across sectors and building the evidence base for integrated programming. When we work together across sectors, we can achieve more sustainable and resilient outcomes for people and for the planet we call home.




Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition

The collection of 17 cases from the 2019 USAID Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition illustrates how biodiversity conservation is critically linked to the journey to self-reliance—by reducing extreme poverty, increasing food security, improving human health, managing climate impacts, building resilience to recurrent crises, and achieving many other development objectives.

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Advancing Gender in the Environment (AGENT)

By recognizing women as agents of change, and valuing the diverse knowledge, experiences and capacities of women and men alike, AGENT works to strengthen environment programming through gender integration and, in tandem, leverage environment programming for women’s empowerment and gender equality outcomes.

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INRM Group photo

Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)

Sound management of natural resources is central to long-term development and resilience. Faced with an urgent need to reduce environmental degradation while improving human well-being, solutions that effectively integrate investments in natural resource management with economic and social development are increasingly urgent. INRM promotes integrated programming across environment and non-environment sectors and across the Program Cycle.

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HEARTH Project

Health, Ecosystems, and Agriculture for Resilient, Thriving Societies (HEARTH)

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s HEARTH activity portfolio engages private sector partners to collaboratively implement integrated sustainable development activities that conserve high-biodiversity landscapes and improve the well-being and prosperity of communities that depend on these landscapes.

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Resource Collections

Biodiversity Integration Reference Sheets

Biodiversity Integration Reference Sheets

This series is intended to help environment and non-environment staff at USAID collaborate and integrate biodiversity conservation with other key development sectors. Each reference sheet presents sector interests and opportunities for integration through collaboration, co-funding, or single-sector funds.


Integration Evidence and Case Studies

USAID builds the evidence base for biodiversity integration by synthesizing existing information and generating new evidence for a range of thematic issues. Case studies capture Mission and field experience, illustrating how USAID operationalizes and institutionalizes biodiversity integration.

Community Forest Management in Liberia

Integration Tools and Approaches

This set of resources shares actionable guidance and best practices to support biodiversity integration throughout the Program Cycle. Featuring topics such as geospatial analysis, thinking and working politically, and ecosystem valuation, these tools help USAID projects and partners enhance conservation and improve development outcomes.



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